Welcome to the Baxter Barracudas! Our goal is to have fun and get to know your neighbors while learning and enjoying the sport of swimming. Swimmers' ages range from 4 to 18 years with varying ability levels from novice to year-round competitors. We promote participation and work with the swimmers to achieve the goal of being part of the Barracudas Team. The Baxter Barracudas Swim Team competes in the Metrolina Swim League.
Time Commitment
Swim season consists of team practices and swim meets. While swimmers are encouraged to participate as frequently as possible, attending all practices and meets is NOT MANDATORY. The Barracudas understand that kids often have overlapping and competing schedules with other sports and activities. We have lots of multi-sport and multi-activity swimmers on the team
Code of Conduct
Good sportsmanship is expected of all swimmers, coaches, parents and spectators. Any issues between swimmers, coaches, parents or spectators must be resolved by the Team Representatives. They must take responsibility with parents to control and maintain behavioral issues especially as it relates to the safety of another individual. In the event of any safety issues that result in the physical harm to another individual, one or all participants must be removed from the swim meet. In any event an individual is involved in a second related offense, they must be removed for the remainder of the swim season.
All parents and swimmers are required to abide by the following conduct guidelines. These guidelines are in place to create a positive team culture that places our swimmers first.
- Parents and swimmers are to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects self-control
- Respect should be shown for all swimmers, coaches, board members & spectators
- Parents and swimmers should be respectful by using appropriate language
- Per Baxter HOA guidelines and GCSL rules, there is to be no alcohol consumed at swim meets.
Noncompliance to the above requests could result in disciplinary action up to/including removal from the team. The Baxter Barracudas Board reserves the right to evoke disciplinary action in accordance with our bylaws as deemed necessary.