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Board Member Roles


What the role requires:

  • Facilitate monthly meetings of the Board of Directors and other meetings related to business of the swim team
  • Serve as the point of contact for the head coach and the swim team parents/guardians
  • Assist the Team Representative with the Metrolina Swim League duties and ensure the team's compliance with League rules and bylaws
  • Generate the team calendar for practices, meets and other events
  • Monitor the team email account on an ongoing basis throughout the year.
  • In consultation with the Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the HOA Representative, determine if new committees should be formed or current committees unseated
    • Recruit and hire all coaches (head, assistant, and lane coaches)
    • Manage the email account or designate/delegate the timely responses to other Board members
  • Appoint committee heads each year and appoint people to fill in vacancies of committee chair positions
  • Approve expenditures
  • Fully participate in all Baxter Barracudas activities (e.g. annual swim team evaluation, practices and meets) for entirety of the swim season. Coordinate board member representation for all swim practices.
  • Enforce all team rules, including not allowing swimmers to swim in meets if their families are non-compliant with the volunteer requirements.

What you bring:

  • Minimum 2 years Swim Team experience (either with the Baxter Barracudas or other leagues). This role is a succession of the Vice-President role as those members serve their first year as Vice-President and their second year as President
  • Ability to serve as the liaison between parents and coaches
  • A neutral perspective and attitude of fairness for all swimmers and swim team families, recognizing this is a summer swim league and primary focus is on the swimmers rather than on personal gains

Vice President

What the role requires:

  • Assist the President with all assigned duties and conduct other duties as requested by the Board of Directors
  • Prepare to assume the responsibilities of President in the second year of the two-year term
  • Seek input regarding plans for the next season, including possible committee chair appointees
  • Establish and administer the registration process with guidance from the President
  • May be asked to serve in the role of volunteer coordinator as determined by the full Board at the beginning of the swim team year. Volunteer coordination responsibilities include the following:
  • Determine volunteer needs based on registration numbers
    • Set up registration parameters (assign roles as needed)
    • Maintain volunteer structure on website
    • Monitor sign ups; contact families who have not signed up for the required number of slots
    • Assign families who still do not sign up
    • Arrive at meets 30 minutes before swimmer call time
    • Check in first half volunteers at 4:30 and second half volunteers at event #33
    • Fill spots as needed on meet day (last minute cancellations, etc)
    • Contact families who do not show up for assigned spots
    • Handle any issues with volunteers during meets

What you bring:

  • Minimum 1 year Swim Team experience (either with the Baxter Barracudas or other leagues)
  • Attendance for monthly Board Meetings
  • Assist with the annual swim team evaluation and all practices and meets
  • Shadow the President(s) and their ability to be the liaison between parents and coaches
  • A neutral perspective and attitude of fairness for all swimmers and swim team families, recognizing this is a summer swim league and primary focus is on the swimmers rather than on personal gains


What the role requires:

  • Collect, deposit and disperse the funds of the swim team as directed by the Board of Directors
  • Establish and manage the team bank account
  • Have signature authority on all payments made on behalf of the swim team
  • Coordinate with the accountant to file necessary paperwork to maintain 501c3 nonprofit status with the state of South Carolina and the Federal IRS.

What you bring:

  • Strong background in Finance/Accounting preferred
  • Attendance for monthly Board Meetings and full participation in swim meets


What the role requires:

  • Record and distribute minutes from Board of Director meetings within 7 days of each meeting
  • Facilitate monthly ads in the Baxter Bulletin and ongoing ads in Facebook and other social media platforms
  • Maintain the Facebook and Instagram pages
  • Send Remind notices when applicable
  • Maintain the swim team website

What you bring:

  • Minimum 1 year Swim Team experience (either with the Baxter Barracudas or other leagues)
  • Attendance for monthly Board Meetings
  • Ability to be the liaison between parents and coaches, as it pertains to email/social accounts

Metrolina League Rep

What the role requires:

  • Represent the Baxter Barracudas at Metrolina League meetings
  • Serve as a conduit between the Baxter Barracudas and the Metrolina League regarding dues, expenses, meet schedules and other communications set forth by the league
  • Relay issues to and from the League to the Baxter Barracudas Board

What you bring:

  • Minimum 1 year Swim Team experience (either with the Baxter Barracudas or other leagues)
  • Attendance for monthly Board Meetings 

HOA Representative

What the role requires:

  • Serve as a conduit between the Baxter Barracudas and the HOA regarding facility issues, scheduling, and capital expenditures
  • Safeguards the HOA’s best interest concerning the HOA property
  • Relay issues to and from the Baxter HOA Board of Directors
  • Delegates, assists, and conveys Baxter resident concerns to the Barracudas Board of Directors.

What you bring:

  • Minimum 1 year Swim Team experience (either with the Baxter Barracudas or other leagues)
  • Member of the Baxter HOA
  • Attendance for monthly Board Meetings 
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